Monday, April 20, 2009

Cheney is contemptible

Comment on "Cheney Slams Obama Again, Calls Overseas Trips 'Disturing'", on The Huffington Post -

Watch him on television and the first thing you notice about Dick Cheney is his corporate slickness, oozing a calm and reasonable manner, as if he were still CEO of Halliburton. But that masks a deep-seated, unreconstructed reactionary temperament. What first marked him out as someone who was willing to subordinate globally accepted standards of decency and human rights to his insistence on American hostility to perceived enemies everywhere was his vote in 1986 as a member of Congress against a resolution calling for the release from prison of Nelson Mandela, the leader then of the movement that eventually liberated South Africa from the racist, fascist grip of the apartheid regime, which had subordinated and brutalized its black population for a century. At the time, the Reagan Administration believed that Mandela’s movement was dominated by communists, a line of propaganda peddled by the Administration’s white friends in Pretoria. So it is no surprise now that Cheney is savaging Barack Obama, another man with an African name who, like Mandela, understands the real meaning of human rights and, unlike Cheney, comprehends the higher aspirations of the world's peoples. Dick Cheney helped plunge America into infamy with his advocacy of torture and helped persuade George W. Bush to waste $2 trillion on an unnecessary war in Iraq that killed or injured over 31,000 Americans and killed over 100,000 innocent Iraqi civilians. He is beneath political contempt. He is not fit to shine Barack Obama's shoes.

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