Sunday, March 9, 2008

About the calls for unity in the Democratic race...

High-minded calls for unity coming from Mrs. Clinton's supporters or Democratic big-wigs, now that many assume she will win the Pennsylvania primary and therefore the nomination, are only thinly veiled attempts to end the contest before all voters have been heard from or to distract us from this reality: The cause of bitter division within Democratic ranks at this point is Hillary Clinton, whose continuing distortions of Senator Obama's record and whose mocking and denigration of his speeches and experience have far exceeded the level of negative politics in any previous race for the Democratic nomination in the modern period. If she is nominated, and if Obama supporters sit on their hands in the fall, it is because they'll have reached the conclusion that someone capable of such disingenuous accusations and derogatory campaign tactics shouldn't be president. If she is nominated after this kind of campaign, she will have only herself to blame if the party cannot be unified. So the first precondition of unity is an end to Mrs. Clinton's attacks.

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